Guide to Kitchen Remodeling

Do you want to renovate your kitchen? Improving your kitchen is the best thing, given that you spend the most time there. Research shows an average American spends over four hundred hours in the kitchen yearly. Your kitchen is the home’s heartbeat for all fun and cooking activities, ensuring that it is functional and meets your needs. Kitchen remodeling can be a demanding process. From creating the design, sourcing contractors, materials, demolitions, and inspection, kitchen remodeling can be a lot of work. This is a guide to kitchen remodeling, helping you understand where to start, when, and how to complete it. 

What Are The Steps to Kitchen Remodeling?

Remodeling a kitchen is fun when you have a strategy. Many people start a kitchen remodeling project and stop midway due to a lack of planning and vision. Below are the kitchen remodeling steps to help you create your dream kitchen.

Identify Kitchen Problems to Fix

Kitchen remodeling can be expensive, and you want the best value for the money in renovating it. Whether it is the space, appliances, cabinets, or overall design, one thing has been bugging you. 

The first step when upgrading your kitchen is evaluating the problems to fix. Have the appliances seen better days and don’t work anymore? Do you need new cabinets or an island to make cooking easier and more fun? 

Knowing what to fix in your kitchen can help create a project blueprint. Finding inspiration, creating designs, and the right services are more straightforward when you know what to improve. Furthermore, it can help you spend money on the most critical aspects of your kitchen.

Create a Checklist

A renovation checklist ensures you handle every aspect of your project. Your kitchen remodeling checklist helps create priorities and expectations. It also helps plan logistics, set timelines, and know the materials to buy.

A checklist is also an excellent way to anticipate any obstacles. At this stage, you can review whether you’ll need to change the power, gas, and water lines. Knowing if the new appliances fit through the current doorways is also crucial to avoid delays. 

Cookeville guide to kitchen remodeling 

Set Your Timeline

You want to complete your kitchen remodeling project on time; creating a timeline is the only way to know. The project timeline depends on the work scale and the availability of contractors. Roughly, you can expect your kitchen renovation to take between one and six weeks or even more.

Remodeling your kitchen can take longer time if doing it yourself. If gutting the kitchen, you must consider demolition, flooring, cabinet installation, appliance, tile works, electrical, plumbing installation, and painting.

Remember, consulting with your designers, contractors, and project manager and getting permits also take time; you must factor that time into your project timeline.

Hire Your Team

Getting a qualified team to work on your project needs some homework. Consider remodeling companies with experience and positive customer experience. A great way to get the best services is to ask your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues for recommendations. 

Furthermore, get quotes from various companies and compare for the best rate. Ask your contractor as many questions as possible to get a scope of their work and experience. Find out if they have the licensure and insurance to do the job. 

Kitchen remodeling produces heaps of unsightly garbage. ALC Disposal provides complete services for demolition work for residential and commercial projects. Get the proper roll-off bin beforehand to handle the remodeling debris.

Shop for Materials

Your next step is getting the building materials and the kitchen appliances. There is a lot to buy for a complete kitchen renovation, and buying them early can help you avoid stress and last-minute rushes. Some of the materials include appliances, faucets, flooring, lighting, sinks, tiles,

Consider the size of the cabinets, ensuring that they fit the new design. The size of the appliances also matters. Remember, you need enough space to store these materials. Prepare your garage or any available storage, ensuring it provides the ideal environment. 

Materials like wood and flooring require a climate-controlled space, so decluttering your garage is worth it. 

Get Building Permits

Are you planning a complete structural and design renovation? Kitchen remodeling projects that involve demolishing walls and installing new or changing structural frames require permits. You might need a trade specific, i.e., plumbing or electrical license or general building permit if moving and installing new walls. 

The time it takes to get kitchen remodeling permits varies depending on your city. You can ask your contractor to help you secure your permits. Do this early because the city needs time to review your renovation plans and issue your permit. 

Demolish and Prepare Your Kitchen

The old kitchen needs to go to install the new one. Start by getting rid of the kitchen junk. Improvise a temporary kitchen to use while renovating and move items to storage. 

Swing your sledgehammer once everything is out of the way. Demolish the old kitchen, create a plain canvas, and build your dream kitchen. 

Need a dumpster for your remodel project? ALC Disposal has you covered. Contact us today!

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